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Double Sink Vanities by Greentea Design |
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Sat Dec 23
4:53 AM | Posted by
White Hat Stories |
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----Email Message----
Subject: white hat= hair cut
To: thewhitehatpeople@yahoo.com
this doesnt sound like a whole lotbut when i bought my new hat for last weekendi realized it didnt look right with long hair.solution? i finally got the nerve to cut off 8 inches[which i had been dying to do but too afraid to]and i dont think i would have had the initiative to do itwithout the white hat project.i feel like a new person, so thank you.there is so much good coming from thisthat exceeds more than just meeting great people and self liberation.
----Email Message----
I'm going this Saturday. And I am SO excited!
----Email Message----
Subject: Another white hatter from Tokyo
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006
I've only recently started reading postsecret, but as soon as I saw the white hat people blog, it instantly made me feel better about the world, and about people in general. I read it religiously now ... it never fails to give me a warm feeling, knowing that such a simple thing can bring so many people together. And I saw the email from the person in Tokyo, and although I've only been in Japan for a few months and haven't gone to the theaters yet, I plan to go during the holidays (not being able to go home this Christmas) .. I don't own a white hat yet but I'm determined to buy one. I might be with a friend but if you see us, please say hi! :)
~from Tokyo
----Email Message----
I'm going to the cinema with my friends tonight, & as much as I've tried to find something white, I'm wearing all black, & I'll probably end up wearing my black coat aswell. I'm excited because since the whp site began; going to the cinema has seemed like so much more than I would usually say its worth. and I can't wait to get there. I'm hoping that there'll be someone else from Belfast going to the cinema tonight. & if they see me, say hello.- A.
----Email Message----
Subject: white bandannas
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006
dear white hatters,
for the longest time, i've always felt alone when with a company of friends and peers. some people say i'm a loner; some people say i'm a freak. but i'm not, really. i just don't think that that group of friends is right for me.
they're mainstream, and i bob along in tiny patches of water, trying to find my river, or my stream. maybe even my ocean.
but last week i felt brave enough to try something. i took some white cloth off from an old pair of leggings i have and made a white bandanna. i wore it to the store, and i think people noticed. i wasn't particualarly preoccupied with it as i was comtemplating hair colors in the hair color aisle at the meijer we live by.
this week i dyed my hair. its not permanent, it stays in for a month then washes out. its this deep red, and i feel new and bright. its really a strange feeling, but i feel beautiful. most of my "friends" are out this holiday, doing whatever. ignoring me, mostly. but i manage to keep in touch with people when i can, when i want to.
i'm just wondering if there are any white hatters/bandannas out in romeoville, il. or in bolingbrook. it doesn't matter; i'm just wondering. i think i need an e-mail pal or something to keep me busy. someone out here to spring my hope. sorry i'm writing from aol, i hope you don't mind. you guys can keep my e-mail up on the website if you want.
i may not go the movies a lot, but i walk alone a lot.
i will be wearing my white bandanna. i'll salute you if i see you.
- a white bandanna in illinois
----Email Message----
To: thewhitehatpeople@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: white hats at Christmas
To the Lewisville, TX theatre worker. I will be attending a movie that
night, to get away from the family. Sometimes you just have to get
away. I will make it a point to attend what I believe to be the
theatre you are working at. If I see you good, if not, I'll still get
to have the experience of going to a movie alone. Should be
fun...(now I've just gotta find a white hat, as mine is torn up)
----Email Message----
I'm mad because I don't get to celebrate christmas on my and my boyfriend's anniversery...for that matter, I'm mad I don't even get to spend it with him!! but at the same time...I realize it means I get a chance to go out for a White Hat Night tomorrow instead! In a way I don't even care about our plans being ruined...I'm so excited!!See you there, New Hampshire!
----Email Message----
Last Saturday I was sitting at the University feeling very tired after some long weeks of hard work, and no social life. I thought of thewhitehatpeople and decided to go to the cinema whether I had someone to go with or not. Turned out that I didn't go alone as a friend joined me and I also didn't have time for buying a white hat, but I did see a glimpse of someone with a white hat and am now full of hopes that the concept of white hats have reached Trondheim, Norway. I'll try again in January. See you there?
----Email Message----
Subject: limited to Saturdays?
Are the White Hatters expected to only hit the theatres on Saturdays? Or is it all week? It's tough for me to make it out on a Saturday evening, but easier during the weekdays. It would seem like a loss if we missed each other while waiting for Saturday. - California -
Re: limited to Saturdays?
While most White Hat activity is happening on Saturdays that should not stop anyone from wearing their White Hat on a different night. And it doesn't have to just be to the movies. You can wear it anytime you feel moved to do so! Hopefully if you do you'll get spotted by somebody who knows what its all about. :)
And everyone should remember, even if you see someone without a white hat or meet someone who is unaware of the White Hatters doesn't mean that they would mind having a conversation with you. You could make someone's day a little brighter by stopping to talk to them. Whp is not really club it's more of a movement to help us connect with people we otherwise might never meet.
----Email Message----
Subject: alone at the movies...
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006
First of all, I absolutely love the whole idea behind the white hat people. It's really a great way to feel connected to so many people out there. So, I'm going to go to Wal-Mart (Yes, I'm endorsing a semi-evil corporation.) and purchase a white hat. Then, I'll make my way to the local movie theater for a late afternoon showing of The Holiday because I'm in the mood for a chick flick and I just don't feel like seeing A Night at the Museum or any sports movies right now. I'll probably sit in the middle of the theater and I'll keep my eyes peeled (What an odd expression!) for fellow white hatters. Who knows? I might just meet an interesting person or two. I really hope to see some other loners out there. Personally, this won't be my first time going to a movie without company. I enjoy going alone, but it took that infamous postcard and its responses for me to realize that maybe I should talk to the other loners out there. Thank you for the inspiration!
---Northern New Jersey
----Email Message----
Subject: tonight
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006
I've bought my hat;
I've saved up for my ticket;
I'm going tonight.
Subject: white hat= hair cut
To: thewhitehatpeople@yahoo.com
this doesnt sound like a whole lotbut when i bought my new hat for last weekendi realized it didnt look right with long hair.solution? i finally got the nerve to cut off 8 inches[which i had been dying to do but too afraid to]and i dont think i would have had the initiative to do itwithout the white hat project.i feel like a new person, so thank you.there is so much good coming from thisthat exceeds more than just meeting great people and self liberation.
----Email Message----
I'm going this Saturday. And I am SO excited!
----Email Message----
Subject: Another white hatter from Tokyo
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006
I've only recently started reading postsecret, but as soon as I saw the white hat people blog, it instantly made me feel better about the world, and about people in general. I read it religiously now ... it never fails to give me a warm feeling, knowing that such a simple thing can bring so many people together. And I saw the email from the person in Tokyo, and although I've only been in Japan for a few months and haven't gone to the theaters yet, I plan to go during the holidays (not being able to go home this Christmas) .. I don't own a white hat yet but I'm determined to buy one. I might be with a friend but if you see us, please say hi! :)
~from Tokyo
----Email Message----
I'm going to the cinema with my friends tonight, & as much as I've tried to find something white, I'm wearing all black, & I'll probably end up wearing my black coat aswell. I'm excited because since the whp site began; going to the cinema has seemed like so much more than I would usually say its worth. and I can't wait to get there. I'm hoping that there'll be someone else from Belfast going to the cinema tonight. & if they see me, say hello.- A.
----Email Message----
Subject: white bandannas
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006
dear white hatters,
for the longest time, i've always felt alone when with a company of friends and peers. some people say i'm a loner; some people say i'm a freak. but i'm not, really. i just don't think that that group of friends is right for me.
they're mainstream, and i bob along in tiny patches of water, trying to find my river, or my stream. maybe even my ocean.
but last week i felt brave enough to try something. i took some white cloth off from an old pair of leggings i have and made a white bandanna. i wore it to the store, and i think people noticed. i wasn't particualarly preoccupied with it as i was comtemplating hair colors in the hair color aisle at the meijer we live by.
this week i dyed my hair. its not permanent, it stays in for a month then washes out. its this deep red, and i feel new and bright. its really a strange feeling, but i feel beautiful. most of my "friends" are out this holiday, doing whatever. ignoring me, mostly. but i manage to keep in touch with people when i can, when i want to.
i'm just wondering if there are any white hatters/bandannas out in romeoville, il. or in bolingbrook. it doesn't matter; i'm just wondering. i think i need an e-mail pal or something to keep me busy. someone out here to spring my hope. sorry i'm writing from aol, i hope you don't mind. you guys can keep my e-mail up on the website if you want.
i may not go the movies a lot, but i walk alone a lot.
i will be wearing my white bandanna. i'll salute you if i see you.
- a white bandanna in illinois
----Email Message----
To: thewhitehatpeople@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: white hats at Christmas
To the Lewisville, TX theatre worker. I will be attending a movie that
night, to get away from the family. Sometimes you just have to get
away. I will make it a point to attend what I believe to be the
theatre you are working at. If I see you good, if not, I'll still get
to have the experience of going to a movie alone. Should be
fun...(now I've just gotta find a white hat, as mine is torn up)
----Email Message----
I'm mad because I don't get to celebrate christmas on my and my boyfriend's anniversery...for that matter, I'm mad I don't even get to spend it with him!! but at the same time...I realize it means I get a chance to go out for a White Hat Night tomorrow instead! In a way I don't even care about our plans being ruined...I'm so excited!!See you there, New Hampshire!
----Email Message----
Last Saturday I was sitting at the University feeling very tired after some long weeks of hard work, and no social life. I thought of thewhitehatpeople and decided to go to the cinema whether I had someone to go with or not. Turned out that I didn't go alone as a friend joined me and I also didn't have time for buying a white hat, but I did see a glimpse of someone with a white hat and am now full of hopes that the concept of white hats have reached Trondheim, Norway. I'll try again in January. See you there?
----Email Message----
Subject: limited to Saturdays?
Are the White Hatters expected to only hit the theatres on Saturdays? Or is it all week? It's tough for me to make it out on a Saturday evening, but easier during the weekdays. It would seem like a loss if we missed each other while waiting for Saturday. - California -
Re: limited to Saturdays?
While most White Hat activity is happening on Saturdays that should not stop anyone from wearing their White Hat on a different night. And it doesn't have to just be to the movies. You can wear it anytime you feel moved to do so! Hopefully if you do you'll get spotted by somebody who knows what its all about. :)
And everyone should remember, even if you see someone without a white hat or meet someone who is unaware of the White Hatters doesn't mean that they would mind having a conversation with you. You could make someone's day a little brighter by stopping to talk to them. Whp is not really club it's more of a movement to help us connect with people we otherwise might never meet.
----Email Message----
Subject: alone at the movies...
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006
First of all, I absolutely love the whole idea behind the white hat people. It's really a great way to feel connected to so many people out there. So, I'm going to go to Wal-Mart (Yes, I'm endorsing a semi-evil corporation.) and purchase a white hat. Then, I'll make my way to the local movie theater for a late afternoon showing of The Holiday because I'm in the mood for a chick flick and I just don't feel like seeing A Night at the Museum or any sports movies right now. I'll probably sit in the middle of the theater and I'll keep my eyes peeled (What an odd expression!) for fellow white hatters. Who knows? I might just meet an interesting person or two. I really hope to see some other loners out there. Personally, this won't be my first time going to a movie without company. I enjoy going alone, but it took that infamous postcard and its responses for me to realize that maybe I should talk to the other loners out there. Thank you for the inspiration!
---Northern New Jersey
----Email Message----
Subject: tonight
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006
I've bought my hat;
I've saved up for my ticket;
I'm going tonight.
Blog Archive
- Fri Dec 29
- Fri Dec 29; Mr. Tehn
- Wed Dec 27
- Sat Dec 23
- Thu Dec 21
- Mon Dec 18
- Sat Dec 16
- Location, location, location!
- Thu Dec 14
- Wed Dec 13
- Another Story
- Stories from this Weekend
- A Big Thank You
- White hats in England
- White Hats tonight
- Here are some more of your messages.----Email Mess...
- First Story
- The one that started it all
- Hello