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Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Wed Dec 27
11:44 PM | Posted by
White Hat Stories |
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----Email Message----
To: thewhitehatpeople@yahoo.com
I think it would defeat the purpose if it was limited to only Saturdays. Or even toonly nights. I, personally, see a lot of matinees (what with the money thing ...) &I always sit in the front row, without fail. I usually end up in a
theater that isminimally populated & before now, I've never worn a white hat.As an early Christmas gift, my sister -- just recently returned from college --bought me one.
Tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, we're going to catch a movie (or two!) & whether or notI think any other white hatters will be there or not, I'll be wearing my new white hat. :D
~ Fairfax, VA
----Email Message----
Subject: I Can't believe it
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006
I went tonight, just like I said I would. I wore my hat and went to see "night at the museum" at AMC. In line to buy my ticket, I searched, I hoped, I saw no one. I went into my theatre to get my seat, I looked again. No one. I went back out to get food at the concessions stand, I watched, and finally, I saw another white hat in the crowd. I froze, excitement stopping me in my tracks. I watched him. He wore a blue striped tee-shirt, and a white baseball cap. Finally, we made eye contact. I reached up and touched my hat. I wasn't sure, but I thought he nodded. I couldn't help but grin. I turned away for a moment, but realized that he might not have been nodding at me, so I looked back at him. He was still looking, so I did it again. This time I was certain his nod was for me.
We didn't talk at all, and we didn't meet later on, but knowing he was out there and doing the same thing that I was made me enjoy my movie even more.
-Independence, Missouri
----Email Message----
Subject: Tonight was a good night
To: thewhitehatpeople@yahoo.com
Tonight I went to see a movie by myself, something I'd never done before. It started out pretty lousy; I couldn't find a hat and had to go buy one, my mom almost didn't let me go, and I got there late.
My dad dropped me off in front of the theater and I waited until he had driven out of sight before fishing my new hat out of my pocket and jamming it onto my head. Instantly I felt better...and I didn't care if I looked dorky or if people noticed that I was by myself or even if nobody noticed me at all. I wore my hat all through the movie and I enjoyed every minute of it. I saw two other white hats, but neither of them noticed me and I don't think they were one of the White Hat People, but it still made me giggle to know that they were there.
Thank you for starting this. I'm going to the movies again next week, and I don't care if nobody talks to me then either, or the next week, or the week after that. It's not like I'll be alone.
-White hat in Fresno, California
----Email message----
Subject: I DID IT!!!
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2006
It was Sunday afternoon... my sister and I decided it was
time. I broke up with my boyfriend of a year and a half, 2
days ago. I'm still very much in love with him, but I am now
in college and it's been a long distance relationship that's
been tearing us apart. I know it's time to move on... but it
nearly killed me to see him cry. This is a very hard time
for me, but I felt new strength as soon as I opened my
christmas present from my sister: a white hat.
We went to go see "A Night at the Museum." We saw one woman
wearing a white hat. We smiled, but she didn't look at us.
Oh well. It was still invigorating...the thought that
SOMEONE was there, feeling how we were feeling. I also wore
the present HE gave me for Christmas - a ring. I put it on
my pointer finger, but as the theatre darkened, I slipped
the ring onto my ring finger. And that's when I knew he was
with me, still.
He just texted me, wishing me a merry christmas. Thank you,
WHP!! This is the best christmas ever. :)
----Email Message----
Subject: Sightings!
To: thewhitehatpeople@yahoo.com
This past weekend I went to the movies with a friend of mine. Since I wasn't technically by myself, I wore a white headband instead of a white hat. As I was standing in line I saw the back of a man's head - and he was wearing a white hat! I nearly fell over with excitement! Unfortunately, I'm a very shy person, so I didn't approach the man, you know, stranger danger and all, ha. But the entire time I was watching Happy Feet I couldn't stop thinking about how excited I was to see another white hat person.
And to the person who wrote from Romeoville/Bolingbrook - I am only a short ways away, in Aurora, but I will be in the Bolingbrook/Willow Springs area visiting family from the 30th-1st. I will definitely go see a movie while I'm there, wearing a white baseball cap that says "SPQR - Roma" on it. I'll be looking for you. :)
-white hatter in Aurora, IL
----Email Messsage----
Subject: Birthday Story
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2006
My birthday was yesterday, the day after Christmas. It's hard having your birthday around this time because everyone is still fussing over the holidays. But this year i made it a point to not expect anything amazing and to enjoy every second of my day. I decided I wanted to see DreamGirls for my day with my mom, sister and aunt. It wasnt until the middle of the movie that I realized i was wearing my new white headband given to me by my best friend. She has no idea about this group -- yet, but her gift of the white headband was the most amazing one. Even though I was at the movies with people, knowing I was wearing the white symbol gave me strenght and a feeling of "i'm ok. we are all amazing". There was actually another girl seeing the same movie who was wearing a white headband. Maybe she too was participating in the amazing white hat movement, maybe not. But its nice to know we are all in this together. By the way, this birthday was the most amazing yet.
--Love from California.
----Email Message----
Subject: random comment
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2006
The backstory is, someone went to the movies alone, and decided that they would wear a white hat when they went alone. It iturned inot a global phenomenon. It started here, at http://postsecret.blogspot.com/ and now it is more about knowing about PostSecret than it is anything else. So, basically, I want a white hat. Just, if nothing else, to feel like a part of something really special. Ead the stories and you’ll see what I mean. There is nothing else like PostSecret or the WhiteHatters.”
I sent this e-mail to my Mom. I really would feel special, every day. I’m going to start wearing a white hat to school everyday, so if there are any other white hatters in Bellevue , WA , then… I guess I’ll see you there. I’m so excited!!
----Email Message----
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 19:01:26
To: thewhitehatpeople@yahoo.com
Subject: a forum?
I know WHP is vague and that's part of the fun. But what if we could all get together? or at least some of us... let's face it you ever want to back out all you have to do is take off a hat. I'd love to know if there were people in my city doing this, even if I never met them. Incidently it's Liverpool, UK. anyway, something to throw out there. I wore my white hat last friday, I was with friends but I looked long and hard for another... I didn't see anyone, but I hope someone thought about WHP when they saw me.
----Email Message----
While I have never been to the movies alone, there have been times that I wouldn't have had anybody to go with. However I could never work up the nerve to go to the movies alone. Those who have the courage to go to the movies alone, I respect you, and I wish I could be half as brave as you are.
I can thank you all also because you have made me see that if one day I have no one to go to the movies with that I could do it and I would do it with a white hat on in hopes that maybe we could run into one another and discuss the movie afterwards. Your stories have given me hope and they have made me happy. I never would have though that reading stories from people I have never met could have such an impact on me, but I now wait for the next update on here to see who has met someone new, who has made a new friend, and who has maybe met the person they will fall in love with.
So once again thank you...I'm going to the movies tomorrow night with my friend, and I will be looking for someone in a white hat and I will be looking for you from now on.
Orlando, Florida
----Email Message----
To: thewhitehatpeople@yahoo.com
I think it would defeat the purpose if it was limited to only Saturdays. Or even toonly nights. I, personally, see a lot of matinees (what with the money thing ...) &I always sit in the front row, without fail. I usually end up in a
theater that isminimally populated & before now, I've never worn a white hat.As an early Christmas gift, my sister -- just recently returned from college --bought me one.
Tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, we're going to catch a movie (or two!) & whether or notI think any other white hatters will be there or not, I'll be wearing my new white hat. :D
~ Fairfax, VA
----Email Message----
Subject: I Can't believe it
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006
I went tonight, just like I said I would. I wore my hat and went to see "night at the museum" at AMC. In line to buy my ticket, I searched, I hoped, I saw no one. I went into my theatre to get my seat, I looked again. No one. I went back out to get food at the concessions stand, I watched, and finally, I saw another white hat in the crowd. I froze, excitement stopping me in my tracks. I watched him. He wore a blue striped tee-shirt, and a white baseball cap. Finally, we made eye contact. I reached up and touched my hat. I wasn't sure, but I thought he nodded. I couldn't help but grin. I turned away for a moment, but realized that he might not have been nodding at me, so I looked back at him. He was still looking, so I did it again. This time I was certain his nod was for me.
We didn't talk at all, and we didn't meet later on, but knowing he was out there and doing the same thing that I was made me enjoy my movie even more.
-Independence, Missouri
----Email Message----
Subject: Tonight was a good night
To: thewhitehatpeople@yahoo.com
Tonight I went to see a movie by myself, something I'd never done before. It started out pretty lousy; I couldn't find a hat and had to go buy one, my mom almost didn't let me go, and I got there late.
My dad dropped me off in front of the theater and I waited until he had driven out of sight before fishing my new hat out of my pocket and jamming it onto my head. Instantly I felt better...and I didn't care if I looked dorky or if people noticed that I was by myself or even if nobody noticed me at all. I wore my hat all through the movie and I enjoyed every minute of it. I saw two other white hats, but neither of them noticed me and I don't think they were one of the White Hat People, but it still made me giggle to know that they were there.
Thank you for starting this. I'm going to the movies again next week, and I don't care if nobody talks to me then either, or the next week, or the week after that. It's not like I'll be alone.
-White hat in Fresno, California
----Email message----
Subject: I DID IT!!!
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2006
It was Sunday afternoon... my sister and I decided it was
time. I broke up with my boyfriend of a year and a half, 2
days ago. I'm still very much in love with him, but I am now
in college and it's been a long distance relationship that's
been tearing us apart. I know it's time to move on... but it
nearly killed me to see him cry. This is a very hard time
for me, but I felt new strength as soon as I opened my
christmas present from my sister: a white hat.
We went to go see "A Night at the Museum." We saw one woman
wearing a white hat. We smiled, but she didn't look at us.
Oh well. It was still invigorating...the thought that
SOMEONE was there, feeling how we were feeling. I also wore
the present HE gave me for Christmas - a ring. I put it on
my pointer finger, but as the theatre darkened, I slipped
the ring onto my ring finger. And that's when I knew he was
with me, still.
He just texted me, wishing me a merry christmas. Thank you,
WHP!! This is the best christmas ever. :)
----Email Message----
Subject: Sightings!
To: thewhitehatpeople@yahoo.com
This past weekend I went to the movies with a friend of mine. Since I wasn't technically by myself, I wore a white headband instead of a white hat. As I was standing in line I saw the back of a man's head - and he was wearing a white hat! I nearly fell over with excitement! Unfortunately, I'm a very shy person, so I didn't approach the man, you know, stranger danger and all, ha. But the entire time I was watching Happy Feet I couldn't stop thinking about how excited I was to see another white hat person.
And to the person who wrote from Romeoville/Bolingbrook - I am only a short ways away, in Aurora, but I will be in the Bolingbrook/Willow Springs area visiting family from the 30th-1st. I will definitely go see a movie while I'm there, wearing a white baseball cap that says "SPQR - Roma" on it. I'll be looking for you. :)
-white hatter in Aurora, IL
----Email Messsage----
Subject: Birthday Story
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2006
My birthday was yesterday, the day after Christmas. It's hard having your birthday around this time because everyone is still fussing over the holidays. But this year i made it a point to not expect anything amazing and to enjoy every second of my day. I decided I wanted to see DreamGirls for my day with my mom, sister and aunt. It wasnt until the middle of the movie that I realized i was wearing my new white headband given to me by my best friend. She has no idea about this group -- yet, but her gift of the white headband was the most amazing one. Even though I was at the movies with people, knowing I was wearing the white symbol gave me strenght and a feeling of "i'm ok. we are all amazing". There was actually another girl seeing the same movie who was wearing a white headband. Maybe she too was participating in the amazing white hat movement, maybe not. But its nice to know we are all in this together. By the way, this birthday was the most amazing yet.
--Love from California.
----Email Message----
Subject: random comment
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2006
The backstory is, someone went to the movies alone, and decided that they would wear a white hat when they went alone. It iturned inot a global phenomenon. It started here, at http://postsecret.blogspot.com/ and now it is more about knowing about PostSecret than it is anything else. So, basically, I want a white hat. Just, if nothing else, to feel like a part of something really special. Ead the stories and you’ll see what I mean. There is nothing else like PostSecret or the WhiteHatters.”
I sent this e-mail to my Mom. I really would feel special, every day. I’m going to start wearing a white hat to school everyday, so if there are any other white hatters in Bellevue , WA , then… I guess I’ll see you there. I’m so excited!!
----Email Message----
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 19:01:26
To: thewhitehatpeople@yahoo.com
Subject: a forum?
I know WHP is vague and that's part of the fun. But what if we could all get together? or at least some of us... let's face it you ever want to back out all you have to do is take off a hat. I'd love to know if there were people in my city doing this, even if I never met them. Incidently it's Liverpool, UK. anyway, something to throw out there. I wore my white hat last friday, I was with friends but I looked long and hard for another... I didn't see anyone, but I hope someone thought about WHP when they saw me.
----Email Message----
While I have never been to the movies alone, there have been times that I wouldn't have had anybody to go with. However I could never work up the nerve to go to the movies alone. Those who have the courage to go to the movies alone, I respect you, and I wish I could be half as brave as you are.
I can thank you all also because you have made me see that if one day I have no one to go to the movies with that I could do it and I would do it with a white hat on in hopes that maybe we could run into one another and discuss the movie afterwards. Your stories have given me hope and they have made me happy. I never would have though that reading stories from people I have never met could have such an impact on me, but I now wait for the next update on here to see who has met someone new, who has made a new friend, and who has maybe met the person they will fall in love with.
So once again thank you...I'm going to the movies tomorrow night with my friend, and I will be looking for someone in a white hat and I will be looking for you from now on.
Orlando, Florida
Blog Archive
- Fri Dec 29
- Fri Dec 29; Mr. Tehn
- Wed Dec 27
- Sat Dec 23
- Thu Dec 21
- Mon Dec 18
- Sat Dec 16
- Location, location, location!
- Thu Dec 14
- Wed Dec 13
- Another Story
- Stories from this Weekend
- A Big Thank You
- White hats in England
- White Hats tonight
- Here are some more of your messages.----Email Mess...
- First Story
- The one that started it all
- Hello